In the  MEMBERS ONLY AREA you will find the following documents especially pertaining  to employees:

Jobs: Technicians wanted / Technicians looking

SARS: Notice to Employers: Employee Income Tax Registration Notification


Regulations regarding Conditions of Employment : Renumeration, leave, pension fund contributions.

Letter from SADTC regarding pension fund minimum contributions.

The SADTC recommends a new minimum salary.


Welcome Dental Technology Student!

The DENTASA Executive Committee and management team would like to take this opportunity to welcome you, not only to University, but also as future colleagues of a very special group of people.

Dental Technologists are unique in that they are the only manufacturers of medical devices that are functional, aesthetically pleasing and can be permanently fitted into the human body.

We are also different from most other professions in that we are both technically and artistically inclined. A rare combination. To look after the well-being of these people and take care of their needs, the Dental Technology Association of South Africa (DENTASA) was born.

It is important to know that we are not the same as the South African Dental Technicians Council. The SADTC is the regulatory body and an arm of the Department of Health.

The SADTC takes the decisions on how large the intake of students is to be, decides what has to be in the curriculum, inspects the University’s laboratories and of course all private laboratories. It registers all dental technicians and technologists, including the students. In a nutshell, it regulates the profession of Dental Technology in South Africa.

DENTASA on the other hand, is in constant dialogue with medical schemes concerning tariffs, the Board of Health Care Funders, Council for Medical schemes, the Department of Health and any other board and association that concerns dental technology.

DENTASA has a good relationship with its regulator, the SADTC. This is of vital importance as we (DENTASA) inform the regulatory body what the industry requires.

DENTASA is also in constant dialogue with our clients, the Dentists and their association SADA. The two associations are very different from one another, yet have a tremendous amount in common. The two associations, and therefore its members, must be able to work very closely with one another. We are solely depended upon one another.

It is a fact, that the more members DENTASA has, the more clout it has. We are here for you and your well-being.

We also publish The Southern African Dental Technology Journal. Not only do we endeavour to inform you of the latest materials and techniques, but also gives members the opportunity to acquire the required CEU credits no matter where in the country you reside and practise your profession in.

Please take this opportunity and join DENTASA to ensure that we go forward in numbers in this wonderful new world that is opening up to you.

Wishing you all the best for the future,

Axel Grabowski

Chief Operating Officer DENTASA

We frequently update dental technicians/technologists via SMS and email alerts on industry news, job openings and SADTC updates.

Guidelines from DENTASA on practical working experience

1.     When looking for a laboratory to do your practical work, make sure that the dental laboratory and all technicians are registered with the South African Dental Technicians Council (SADTC).

2.     As a student you must adhere to the following process:

2.1.   Contact the laboratory owner telephonically to enquire about a possible placement opportunity and make an appointment to meet face to face. Forward your CV either electronically, by post or hand deliver.

2.2.   At this meeting you must familiarize yourself with the following:

2.2.1.     Establish from the laboratory owner what the working hours are.

2.2.2.     What kind of work is performed in that laboratory and how much of each field (crown & bridge, plastics, chrome).

2.2.3.     What are the expectations that the laboratory owner have of you the student? (Record this as accurate as possible)

2.3.   Students must bring their own instruments, excluding any consumable items such as polishing, cutting and abrading items. It must be noted that the laboratory owner will not be liable for any damage caused to or loss of such instruments.

2.4.   Students must at all times adhere to the dress code of the UoT which shall include a clean and ironed white laboratory coat. Professional appearance will be required at all times.

2.5.   Cellular phones must be switched OFF during working hours and may only be used during agreed tea and lunch times.

2.6.   The following academic performance is required of you and must be verified by the head of department:

2.6.1. Steady and progressive academic progress

2.6.2. Regular class attendance of 80% for theoretical subjects, and 90% for all practical sessions will be a prerequisite for taking students on.

The profession is committed to assist in your professional development BUT the responsibility to succeed and live up to the expectations of the industry remains yours. Although the profession will endeavour to provide the best environment in which you can enjoy your practical experience, you will be managed as if you were regular employees. No special arrangements will be entered into and no allowances made that is not standard to the profession. Working outside the standard working hours will be expected

DENTASA Membership Fees

If you did not receive your account for DENTASA membership fees, please contact Elize at the office,, and we will ensure that you do receive it.

DENTASA is a voluntary Association and membership is thus not compulsory, but we do believe very essential to ensure that our profession grows into the profession we all would like it to be. DENTASA can only achieve this by growing membership and member involvement.

Membership automatically continues from one year to another and members will be liable for membership fees unless a written resignation is received by the DENTASA Office, ONE month before membership must be terminated.

The following explanation is added to clarify our membership fee structure to all our members and interested parties.

History of the manufacturing facility levy:

This levy was voted on and agreed on by the members attending the 2011 Annual General Meeting. Far more than the required 10% of our members attended this AGM and thus according to our Constitution, such a decision taken by the AGM is binding on all members of the Association.

It was also decided that this would be an annual levy and included in the membership of DENTASA from that day onwards.

Why was the manufacturing facility levy added?

Amidst all the quick and serious changes experienced in our profession it was debated and then decided that DENTASA needed a full time Chief Operating Officer (COO) to ensure that this profession is represented on all forums and spectrums of Oral Health and that our input is not only received but also taken into consideration.

As DENTASA is a non-profit organisation we needed a way to receive more money in order to pay the salary of such a full time COO. This is why and how the manufacturing facility levy was born and implemented.

Mr. Axel Grabowski, Past President of the Association, was appointed as the new COO of DENTASA in 2011. This new appointment to the staff of the association was made solely on the promises made by our members to pay the new manufacturing facility levy to enable us to pay the salary of our new COO. This is a much needed fee without which this association cannot perform to its best abilities.

Outstanding money

All members with outstanding monies also received statements as a reminder to pay all unpaid invoices for both CEU credits or membership fees and levies.

Please settle all outstanding accounts as soon as possible!

* Fees Subject to change without notice